Where Hope Starts — Angela D. Meyer, author

Families are hard! Karen Marino fled her home in Applewood Hill in the midst of family conflict. She stepped from the frying pan into the fire as her dream life turned into a nightmare. The perfect love is a mockery. Karen’s professional success as a restaurant manager is mocked by her marriage failure. As her… Continue reading Where Hope Starts — Angela D. Meyer, author

Arms of Promise – Crystal Walton

A sweet and inspiring romantic story with just the right amount of suspense and risk to make it a gentle thriller. The end (which you see coming) reminds us not to judge faithful old friends and not to culture immature heartbreak. Quietly Christian without particular doctrine. Appropriate humor. Most characters are believable. The situation where… Continue reading Arms of Promise – Crystal Walton

The Measure of Katie Calloway – Serena Miller

I enjoyed this book. The story begins in Georgia, shortly after the Civil War. Domestic violence wasn’t so named in those times, but was present, especially in this story. Serena Miller spins an excellent story and I recommend her books. As Katie Calloway makes a valiant escape from her life with her young brother, they… Continue reading The Measure of Katie Calloway – Serena Miller