Reviewing AMERICAN SNIPER, the Movie

I have not reviewed movies before, but the recent release of a movie reflecting the experiences of Chris Kyle, Navy Seal during the Iraq conflict, has led to this review. Directed by Clint Eastwood, I had heard excellent reviews of a ‘sleeper film’ from a local movie critic Chris Louzader who reviews films for listeners in… Continue reading Reviewing AMERICAN SNIPER, the Movie

Curl Up with a Cuppa Cranberry Zinger and Enjoy a Good God Story

Lin Stepp is a caring, talented author. Her characters are well-crafted; good guys are likeable with some foibles…rather like normal people. There is no question about who the bad guys are! Makin’ Miracles is a spiritual romance. Not fantasy, but a solid story of regular lives with joy and sadness plus a dash of drama… Continue reading Curl Up with a Cuppa Cranberry Zinger and Enjoy a Good God Story

Reviewing “Dakota Dream” | Lauraine Snelling, Author

I really enjoyed this sweet historical fiction Christian romance! The story really does cover all of those niches and does it quite well! The delivery is sweet and something you can let your grandma find on your kindle. Call me starved for some well-done flinch free reading if you will, but I found this story… Continue reading Reviewing “Dakota Dream” | Lauraine Snelling, Author