Joy Ross Davis begins a new series involving her favorite character types, angels. We have twins who are working to earn their wings, but with different personalities and styles.
Tag: angels
The Last Waltz, Vol 2 of Cry of Freedom | Murray Pura, author
The inspiration for Cry of Freedom has come from a sense in Murray Pura’s heart that God reigns and tomorrow is in the hands of the angels through the ravages of war and the days that follow.
Countenance | Joy Ross Davis, Author
I could go to the Play House Inn and play house in the kitchen any time! I would let the dog have treats while we wandered from kitchen to attic, ‘petting’ the woodwork.
Olivia’s Wedding Vol. 4 in Murray Pura’s Cry of Freedom | Joy Ross Davis, Author
Joy Ross Davis has given her sweet angel treatment to this story of families in the woes of the Civil War where different opinions and philosophies cost happiness and lives