WINGS, Sisters Divided introduces a new series written by a favorite author, Joy Ross Davis. The main characters as the beginning are a pair of twins who are not identical, but almost mirror opposite in their individual personalizes and ethical intentions. These young ladies, each attractive in a different way, provide readers with a refreshing story. The story is further entangled because the sisters, Keeva and Maeve, are angels who are ‘earning’ their wings. Keeva’s attitude is more what you would expect from our social concept of an angel…she’s not vain (almost over the top to the opposite), unaware of her physical beauty, she’s thoughtful, courteous and friendly. Maeve is self-centered, without empathy or sympathy (she reminds me of a middle school clique leader), and incredibly vain, so that she makes the sexiest most of her fine looks.
In this episode, they encounter an award winning, very handsome chef and his grandmother and great-aunt. Keeva makes the first excellent impression and spends a good bit of the time undoing Maeve’s nearly malicious mischief. All coming back around to a delightful surprise ending.
In Wings, Joy Ross Davis is introducing Keeva and Maeve, who will be continuing their adventures in future volumes. At this point, I wouldn’t term the story as a ‘romance’ as there isn’t a real love interest. These ladies are ‘interested’ and are ‘interesting’, but without the drama of romantic angst. I’m glad as from what I’ve heard about the future volumes, that drama isn’t the focal point of the collection.
You’ll enjoy the beginning of Sisters Divided and be looking for future volumes if you like elegant writing without profanity, erotica, smut and gratuitous wasted space — I wish the story would have gone on longer! This is not a religious, doctrinal book, but the characters are ‘good’ angels, not truly evil.