Adam Lapid Mysteries – Jonathan Dunsky, author

Ten Years Gone is the first book in a series featuring Adam Lapid, a private detective in Tel Aviv. Throughout the series, Adam Lapid is both typical and unique. WARNING: This series has graphic violence. (It is a private detective series — after all…passive behavior would not fit) Excerpt from Chapter 1 of TEN YEARS… Continue reading Adam Lapid Mysteries – Jonathan Dunsky, author

Battered Husband with Addictions — The Survivor

Battered husbands with addictions or without them, are among victims of domestic violence. Often the battered spouse is the wife, but not always. The Survivor is the story of one man. After the Battering Just when you think things couldn’t get worse for “Steven” something else goes wrong! If there is a lesson for those… Continue reading Battered Husband with Addictions — The Survivor

British Mystery Books — Death by Drowning? Maybe not!

British Mystery Books can be more entertaining than the British Mystery TV programs. But, expect some violence and language not typically found on the TV programs. Death by drowning — a young man who was partying with friends along the banks of an English Country river. Tragic accident? Or entangling mystery threatening the country, the… Continue reading British Mystery Books — Death by Drowning? Maybe not!

Reviewing Books that are NOT Flinch-Free — Warning Signs Ahead

REVIEW REALITY There are some well-written plots that don’t meet the standards at Cardinal Bluff.  There are times that I get into them and go ahead and read them.  When I find a book like that, I have another place to review them. Reviews which follow this pinned note will not be totally flinch-free. I… Continue reading Reviewing Books that are NOT Flinch-Free — Warning Signs Ahead