Hope Reborn was a pleasant read that I had no trouble staying with until the finish! I enjoyed the author’s testimonies in the dedication and acknowledgements. Caryl McAdoo’s statements stayed with me during the read.
She takes a time in our history that has eternal appeal to readers and works it to a T!. We have TEXAS, bigger than life with cowboys, ranching, Indians, a few bad guys and Old Western Integrity and HONOR, stirred into an unusual status for women, since the leading woman is a popular romance author.
Hope Reborn leads to another story as we see in the end when some of the sweet children ‘grow-up’ to live their willful ways, adding drama and a touch of real life.
The background of our leading woman, Mae is an unusual and subtle topic, handled artfully as her personal angst comes out while she resists the spiritual convictions flowing around her. Will she become a believer or will she refuse and lose the one true love she has found in maturity.
I really enjoyed the detailed descriptions of travel, clothing, food and personalities. Of course, the story is “A WESTERN’ and the characters must all be bigger than life. Yet, we also know that there is nothing that can be spun at the keyboard that is more unusual than the things that really happened. Larger than life comes when we condense all of the events in people’e lives into a few pages and hours of reading.
Hope Reborn fits my description for this blog of Inspiring, Entertaining and Pleasure reading for through all of the entertaining description and drama, God is glorified and Saving Grace is a standard. I highly recommend this book.