Is it the dead or the living that will scare you?
Somebody’s not dead at Dead Lake and he’s going to try to scare the living daylights out of you.
B. J. Robinson takes a real place in Florida where there are some ‘dead’ lakes occurring when sand bars are created by the current in the Aplachicola River to block the Chipola River. High water killed the trees in the flood zone….made them flat out dead.
While fishing with family in the Dead Lakes area, B.J. was inspired to put together a mystery around a retired couple who encounter a deadly criminal while trying to navigate a foggy day on Dead Lake.
B.J. brings a low-voltage Christian aspect into the story through the faith of Judy Knowlton as the risks accumulate. At one point, they even experience the effects of temptation when they hide a large amount of money around their house…money that no one but the ‘bad guy’ even dreams exists. And he isn’t real sure. He doesn’t find it, but they do not get to enjoy the fruit of their weakness!
The retired couple face some serious risks and are surprised at their ability to come back with determination to help others who are threatened by the ‘bad guy’.
I enjoyed the pleasure read that acknowledges faith and is a clean, geographically unique story. Enjoy the Florida swamps with some folks who aren’t really sure which way to go, but aren’t afraid to do what they have to do to protect one another, friends and family.
I’m glad to see this book as part of a series. The characters surely have some more tales to tell. I know there are readers out there looking for a comforting pleasure story like those B.J. Robinson spins.