No April Fools’ Joke — this new novel from one of my favorite authors, Lin Stepp will make you smile AND move you to tears. Yet, Eight at the Lake is, as usual, not fluffy chick lit. Rather the book has appeal across genders and age groups.
Lin Stepp has done it again. You can pre-order an upcoming release, Eight at the Lake. The setting is in the author’s favorite part of the country, the Smoky Mountains. The historic town of Dandridge, Tennessee makes the basic setting. Atlanta, Georgia, and Knoxville, Tennessee make cosmopolitan appearances. The nod to their larger education and media cultures help the characters to be all they can be.
The characters learn the truth about God being a God of second chances. The facets of their lives that open to second chances spanning generations. Some of the characters both receive and give a second chance. The blessings flow in their spiritual growth. Characters who thought they were ‘grown-up’ find themselves maturing. I found some making a turn-around after I was ready to press DELETE for that one!
Enriching and Encouraging Reading
Lin’s faith-based stories inspire and entertain always. She has many available with different locations, characters, and lifestyles. Of course, there is always the tension of mystery. Eight at the Lake has a side plot of murder. The ‘motive’ and solution are as sad as the tragedy of these murders.
Lin’s faith is upfront in her life and social media conversations. Her books have a solid, faith-based story without being any specific doctrinal. You can go to church anywhere and still ‘get’ the message. If you don’t go to church anywhere by choice, you can receive the message without judgement. And, you can take it to heart, get your first, second, third or more chance. Even if you never darken the door of a church, you can get a God chance that means everything.
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