My Brain Plays Favorites for Joy Ross Davis

Joy Ross Davis -- worth a readI’ve worked with author Joy Ross Davis for longer than we care to face!  Her writing has become more serious and enjoyable as the time has passed.  Joy writes in a style that some have described as angelic, inspirational writing.   Her stories are pleasantly paranormal with good eventually getting the best of evil, but not in a syrupy way.

As a journalist, her style is almost too tight…this gets her into trouble sometimes. She has to go back and fill in the color that was always in the story, but hid behind the door while she was keyboarding the facts!

You can learn a lot about a writer by watching the website (here you get a chance to look —  Following Joy on social media will get you some special entertainment as well as announcements about the books she has written.  There is a daily parade of beautiful dresses and angels for Joy’s Facebook friends. I just know where she finds all of those pictures!

You can learn even more here at Joy Ross Davis page.  Learning is good, so learn away!  Learn about awards that acknowledge Joy’s writing. THREE big ones this year alone for her novels. Learn how you can treat yourself to copies of her books for your Kindle reader or in REAL paper.

Yes, that is a spanking, outspoken AD on the sidebar of Cardinal Bluff. Joy has earned that spot in more ways than one. Congratulations and best wishes for a bright writing future!

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