Reluctant Rebel — Parris Afton Bonds

The eyes may be said to be the scouts of the heart, but these two rebellious hearts might as well be blind. In 1917, the El Paso/Juarez area was a surprise powder keg. Germany sought the Central America connection as a conduit to conquer the United States. The US sought to catch the local spy… Continue reading Reluctant Rebel — Parris Afton Bonds

Millie – The Marsh Saga, AnneMarie Brears, author

The story opens on Millie Marsh’s wedding day. Her choice of Sir Jeremy Remington, as her husband, was so unexpected that her sisters try to talk her out of it. Millie’s parents offer her the last minute to change her mind too. All doubt the match because Sir Jeremy Remington is several years older and… Continue reading Millie – The Marsh Saga, AnneMarie Brears, author